mission statement

To provide confidence, safety and security for women facing transitional life events so that they can have a trusted financial partner to guide them to the otherside of the transition without having to do it all alone.

Journey to Entrepreneur

I was going along in life, making it to partner at a CPA practice and thought I had made it. Then a friend of mine invited me to a business seminar. Only in reality the “business seminar” was really a trauma informed coach who really knew marketing and a master at getting people like me into the room.

An intervention at that seminar changed my life. After more than 2 hours of coaching, he showed me where my blind spots were.

For over 10 years I had a dream of starting my own financial planning firm to help empower women to live out their dreams in retirement. However, it was me who wasn’t walking the walk or talking the talk. How could I help others before I helped myself?

Once the realization hit me, I immediately started the process of making my own dream come true. I set up my LLC, left the partnership and opened CLW Financial Planning LLC.

Today, I’m living my own dream that I have carefully crafted. I have a balanced home/work-life. I plan my schedule to include self-care, joyful activities such as tennis and I also have time to volunteer and give back to my communtiy.

Carolyn Larsen-Wieber

CLW Financial Planning LLC, founded in 2018, was created out of a desire to provide a tax focused financial planning experience for clients. Carolyn spent over 29 years in public accounting focused on advanced tax issues including estates, trusts, and gift tax. Clients will benefit from this expertise because every aspect of financial planning has a tax implication. The North Star FORMula™ strives to guide clients on a mission that marries tax planning and preparation with financial planning in one engagement.

Carolyn started her career in the NY, NY office of Ernst & Young in the Individual Family Financial Planning group serving high net worth clients and their families. From Ernst & Young she was recruited to the Personal Financial Planning group of KPMG. Eventually she landed in a smaller local CPA practice making it to partner where she incorporated her personal financial planning services to her high-net-worth clients. She received the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) in 1999. This designation along with an advanced degree and financial planning experience provided sufficient qualifications to allow her to provide an integrated planning experience to her clients.

Carolyn enjoys tennis, hiking and spending time traveling with her husband Tom. She also enjoys giving to kids in crisis by volunteering her time at a horse therapy farm in Durham, NC called Hope Reins.

Professional Memberships and Affiliations

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants (NCACPA)

Personal Financial Planning Division Member (AICPA)

Accreditations, Licenses and Education

Licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in North Carolina (License #23314)

Licensed as a Personal Financial Specialist (PFS)
Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University
Master of Business Administration from Rochester Institute of Technology
The PFS Credential, established in 1987 by the AICPA, is granted to qualified CPAs with considerable professional experience in financial planning. Currently, several thousand CPAs hold the PFS Credential nationwide. CPA/PFS Credential holders are ranked among the most qualified financial planners in the marketplace, and many are listed as top financial planners in Worth’s annual ranking.


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Opening hours

Mon–Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Opening hours

Mon–Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Talk to Carolyn

Talk to Carolyn