
Whether you’re a widow, a business owner, or a professional afraid to face retirement, I have various resources here to get your started.

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Keep an Eye Out for IRS-Related Scams

The IRS warns that although scams are especially prevalent during tax season, they also take place throughout the year.1 As a result, it’s important to always be on the lookout for suspicious activity so that you don’t end up becoming the victim of a scam. One of the...

What Are the Main Types of Auto Insurance?

There are four main types of auto insurance are available: liability, uninsured or underinsured motorist, collision and comprehensive, and personal injury. Most states require drivers to carry certain types of auto insurance. Liability Insurance Liability insurance is...

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What Is Variable Life Insurance?

The insurance industry has introduced different types of insurance to meet consumer needs. For example, universal life insurance was created to provide a solution for many of the perceived shortcomings of whole life insurance and term life insurance. (See “What Is...

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What Is Universal Life Insurance?

Universal life insurance was developed in the late 1970s to overcome some of the disadvantages associated with term and whole life insurance. As with other types of life insurance, you pay regular premiums to your insurance company, in exchange for which the insurance...

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What Is Whole Life Insurance?

Most people are familiar with whole life insurance. For many years, whole life policies were the predominant type of life insurance sold in America. When you purchase a whole life policy, you traditionally pay a fixed premium for as long as you live or for as long as...

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What Is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is “pure” insurance. It offers protection only for a specific period of time. If you die within the time period defined in the policy, the insurance company will pay your beneficiaries the face value of your policy. Term insurance differs from the...

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