
Whether you’re a widow, a business owner, or a professional afraid to face retirement, I have various resources here to get your started.

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Diversifying with Market Caps

The U.S. stock market struggled in 2022, with the S&P 500 index ending the year down 19.4%.1 The S&P 500, which includes stocks of large U.S. companies, is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market as a whole, and it is a good benchmark for...

Rescuing America’s Safety Net

A March 2023 survey found that more than 90% of Americans worry about the Social Security program, and about half of those said they worry a great deal.1 A separate survey the same month found that more than 80% of Americans worry Medicare will not be able to provide...

What Is Last-Survivor Life Insurance?

Last-survivor or second-to-die life insurance covers two lives under one policy. The death benefit is paid after the second person covered under the policy dies. Generally, premiums continue to be paid after the first insured dies. However, this type of policy may...

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What Is Split-Dollar Life Insurance?

Life insurance can be an important part of a business owner’s financial strategy. It can also be a great benefit to offer to key employees. However, sometimes the cost can be prohibitive. With split-dollar life insurance, the cost of life insurance can be managed by...

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Do I Need a Business Owner Policy?

Your business may be running smoothly. You could be making money hand over fist. But don’t be lulled into thinking that a catastrophe could never hit your business. Disasters can strike in many ways; even a minor one could wipe out a lifetime of hard work....

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What Is Property and Casualty Insurance?

Property and casualty insurance is specifically designed to help protect your possessions from theft or destruction and your assets from being depleted through disaster or litigation claims brought against you. The property side of a policy insures physical items,...

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