mission statement

To provide confidence, safety and security for women facing transitional life events so that they can have a trusted financial partner to guide them to the otherside of the transition without having to do it all alone.

Dream Retirement:

The Challenge

  • Will my money last my lifetime?
  • Will I be able to do all the things I’ve dreamed of doing in retirement?
  • Can I retire now before Social Security age?

The Approach

  • A trusted partner with a woman’s approach.
  • Provide guidance and support educating in simple terms.
  • Organize assets and explain how they all work together.
  • Simplify the number of accounts where applicable.
  • Modeling taxes today and in the future, looking for tax minimization techniques.
  • Essential Estate documents in place.

The Result

  • Financial modeling to determine if assets last to retire and fund what matters most.
  • Determining if “retire now” is possible.
  • Modeling retirement to include future financial challenges (social security & Medicare) along with dream travel and charitable goals.
  • Model potential taxes over a 30-year life span to determine if periodic Roth conversions will lower taxes over time frame before receiving Social Security and reaching RMD age.
  • Estate documents executed and integrated with the financial plan.
  • Create an income stream to fund the first few years of retirement before Medicare and Social Security begin.

I’m alone and not sure how to invest my money

The Challenge

  • My spouse handled all the finances.
  • I’m alone and not sure how to manage my money.
  • I’m afraid to make a financial mistake.
  • I don’t understand what investments I have.
  • Am I paying too much in taxes?
  • What if I have a long-term health scare?
  • Will there be anything left for my children?

The Approach

  • Provide guidance and support educating in simple terms.
  • Organize assets and explain how they all work together.
  • Simplify the number of accounts where applicable.
  • Modeling taxes today and in the future, looking for tax minimization techniques.
  • Essential Estate documents in place.
  • Asset location for tax efficiency.

The Result

  • I have a financial plan that I understand.
  • My plan models a cash flow timeline that includes future challenges (health scare & legacy for children, retirement wants).
  • I feel that my assets are organized, I understand their role and are tax efficient.
  • I understand how my asset allocation is targeted to my risk.
  • When I’m ready to withdraw, I have a plan on which buckets to take from.

Receiving an inheritance:

The Challenge

  • I’m overwhelmed with the complexity of my inheritance.
  • I’m not sure how to invest my inheritance.
  • I need a financial plan that I understand.
  • Am I paying too much in taxes?
  • How do I protect what goes to my children?

The Approach

  • Provide guidance and support educating in simple terms.
  • Education on financial topics.
  • A safe space to address your fears and concerns.
  • Organize assets and explain how they all work together.
  • Simplify the number of accounts where applicable.
  • Modeling taxes today and in the future, looking for tax minimization techniques.
  • Essential Estate documents in place.
  • Asset location for tax efficiency.

The Result

  • I have a financial plan that is simple to understand.
  • My financial plan shows cash flow timeline that includes future challenges (health scare & legacy for children, retirement wants).
  • I’ve organized and simplified my assets.
  • I understand how my asset allocation is tied to my tolerance for risk.
  • My assets are located for tax efficiency.
  • Estate Documents executed with some protections for my kids legacy.


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Opening hours

Mon–Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Opening hours

Mon–Fri 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Talk to Carolyn

Talk to Carolyn